Nursing Forward®

Project Firstline Webinars

Watch Project Firstline’s educational videos to learn about different infection control topics, such as respiratory droplet basics and safe use of multi-dose vials.

These NCNA exclusive webinars are open to everyone, members and non-members alike. There will be a variety of topics discussed. Please check back reguarly for more webinars and other updates. 

Upcoming Webinars


Previously Recorded Webinars


Project Firstline: State of the Union: Impact of COVID-19

(1.0 CH)

Presented by Evelyn Cook, RN, CIC - Associate Director SPICE - Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology

(Date of original presentation: May 25, 2022)

Click here to view this recording and earn 1.0 CH. (Content Expires 6/7/2023)



“Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) - An Ongoing Burden in Healthcare”

(1.0 CH)

Presented by Ashley Jackson, BSMT, MPH, CIC

(Date of original presentation: September 24, 2021)


Multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) are a threat to health and can be spread in healthcare facilities.  The CDC emerging MDRO threat report in 2019 highlight types of organisms on the rise and ways to prevent transmission of these organisms.  Following infection prevention practices can reduce the spread of MDROs and prevent infections of MDROs.  It is also important to educate on ways the COVID-19 pandemic may influence the emergence of MDROs.  Negative implications including increased use of antibiotics throughout the pandemic may influence the potential rise of MDROs in healthcare.


Click here to view this recording and earn 1.0 CH. (Content Expires 12/15/2023)

Click here to download a copy of the presentation slides. 

Combating Antibiotic Resistance: Environment & Sanitation

Antibiotic Resistance Occurs When...

Additional ANA Project Firstline Resources

PPE Resources 

Project Firstline: Best Practices to Prevent Transmission of Infectious Agents within the Healthcare Setting

February 23, 2022
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Via Zoom
(1.0 CH)

Presented by Karen Hoffmann RN, MS, CIC, FSHEA, FAPIC

This webinar will provide a discussion on routes of transmission (of infectious agents) and CDC recommended interventions. As well as a space to learn about the recent update to all Isolation/Precautions signs that are used in healthcare settings across the state.

This webinar is free for everyone.

Click here to view this recording and earn 1.0 CH. (Content Expires 3/24/2024)

Other Resources



Training Courses

How COVID-19 Spreads
This educational activity is made up of five (5) episodes (created August 2021) designed to prepare frontline healthcare personnel and the public health workforce to protect themselves, their patients, and their communities from infectious disease threats, focusing on how COVID-19 spreads.

Project Firstline Facilitator Toolkit


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