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Civitas Institute Endorses the SAVE Act

As the 2020 short session at the North Carolina General Assembly approaches under the cloud of the global coronavirus pandemic, another organization is calling on legislators to modernize APRN regulations. The Civitas Institute specifically cited the COVID-19 crisis as a reason for passing the SAVE Act, saying removal of North Carolina’s outdated physician supervision requirements would give patients more, safe options while freeing up other healthcare providers to focus on coronavirus.

“APRNs, such as nurse practitioners or certified registered nurse anesthetists, have long advocated for loosening the restrictions on their ability to practice within the full scope of their training. The supervisory physician requirements are overly burdensome and can prevent these qualified healthcare professionals from even volunteering during times of crisis. The language from the SAVE Act, filed in 2019 as House Bill 185 and Senate Bill 143 with broad bi-partisan support, could go a long way to expanding the scope of practice for APRNs.”

  • Leah Byers
    Policy Analyst and Government Affairs Coordinator
    Civitas Institute

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